​​​​​​Pubs Code

In July 2016 The Pubs Code etc. Regulations (the Pubs Code) was introduced by the Government and applies to all pub owning businesses, such as Stonegate Group, who own more than 500 tied pubs in England and Wales.

The Pubs Code regulates the relationship between the pub owning businesses and their tied publicans and places statutory obligations on Stonegate Group based on the two core principles of fair and lawful dealing and that a tied publican should be no worse off than a free of tie publican. 

The Pubs Code ensures that tied publicans:

  • Receive the information they need to make informed decisions about taking on a pub or making a change to their existing agreement
  • Have their rent reassessed if they haven't had a review for 5 years
  • Can request a Market Rent Only (MRO) option to go free of tie in specific circumstances (the MRO trigger events)
  • Have all significant discussions with a Business Development Manager recorded in writing

You can view a copy of our Guide to the Pubs Code here and a copy of the Pubs Code legislation here.


The Pubs Code sets out the MRO trigger events in which a tied publican can request to go MRO, such as at rent review or renewal.

Please view our MRO Frequently Asked Questions here.

You can view our current MRO policy here which sets out our considerations to ensure that the MRO proposal made complies with the Pubs Code. 

Pubs Code Adjudicator

The Pubs Code is overseen by an independent Pubs Code Adjudicator (the PCA) who is in place to ensure compliance with the core principles.

The PCA has lots of useful information on their website including factsheets, technical guides and regular updates including arbitration awards. You can access their website here.

To contact the office of the Pubs Code Adjudicator tied publicans can either:

Keep up to date with Pubs Code and PCA news via: 

Compliance Officer & Compliance Report

Our Compliance Officer oversees our compliance with the Pubs Code and prepares an annual compliance report.

A copy of our latest report for the year ending March 2022 can be accessed here:

You can contact the Compliance Officer at pubscode@stonegategroup.co.uk.

Professional Advice

We would always encourage our publicans to take independent, professional and qualified advice from accredited trade bodies in relation to their individual rights under the Pubs Code.

The British Institute of Innkeeping provide a list of professional advisors on their website which you can access here.