Over 20 people have looked at this opportunity

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03333 20 00 36

Overview of

Pub Facilities

Indoor trading area

Outdoor trading area

Your living accommodation

Energy certificate

To help you understand other possible running costs associated with this business.

Click here to download this pub's energy rating certificate

At a glance

Your Agreement:

Guide Rent: Offers invited

Asking price:


Potential turnover: per annum

: per annum

Typical turnover: per annum

Guide rent: per annum

Estimated Capital start-up: (excl VAT)

Your incentive:

Guide to our agreements

To find out more click here.

Regional Manager's thoughts on the

, Regional Manager

For more information

Click here to view our Assignee Pack

 Location of the and the local competition

Surrounding area

Local competition

 Our proposed agreement - Tenancy

per annum

This is our estimate of the potential annual turnover of the pub business. It does not include the financial benefits of any living accommodation, which you will need to consider.

Partnership Terms

: per annum, payable monthly weekly in advance. Offers Invited

Based on discount scheme

Discounts are variable, your Regional Manager will discuss this with you.

This pub needs personal investment of time, effort and skills to realise its potential. Our vision for this pub is a business capable of sustaining a rent of per annum.

As a Headstart pub, we can offer tenancy terms from 1 to 5 years, with appropriate rent steps, starting from just £1 per week.

The proposed agreement:

Your Incentive:
Your Incentive Volume Target: brewers barrels (36 gallons)

The incentive payment is calculated by a lump sum plus a volume related bonus. Payable upon achieving a minimum volume target on the 10th anniversary of the lease. If you fail to achieve the target no incentive payment will be made; if you exceed the target your incentive payment will grow.

(Key terms available online here) however we are prepared to discuss other Partnership agreements.

(Key terms available online here).

(Key terms available online here) however we are prepared to discuss other Partnership agreements.

(Key terms available online here) however we are prepared to discuss other Partnership agreements.

(Key terms available online here).

(Key terms available online here).

Give your pub business a flying start; with our exclusive Head Start package. Giving new Publicans a low-risk, low-cost path into running a pub and benefitting from our extensive support including free training and marketing. Find out more here

We will also discuss, your purchasing options (Wines, spirits, cask, minerals and flavoured alcoholic beverages) which you can choose all, a combination or none. Tie release fees will apply.

Current Agreement:

Lease expiry date:

Asking price:

Estimated Capital start-up

(excl VAT)

Often referred to as ingoings. Includes stock & glassware at valuation, deposit (calculated as 25% of ), refundable at the end of your agreement dependent upon your account being in good order. The first month's Up to 2 weeks rent and other contractual charges will be payable in advance. Please note, the actual deposit payable will be 25% of the final agreed rent.

Our Head Start pubs have a reduced capital start up. The estimated publican ingoing funds include stock & glassware and a level of working capital - the final amount will be dependent on your business plan. A deposit will be built up through an agreed weekly payments plan. Up to two weeks rent will be payable in advance but all other contractual charges will be waived for the first three months.

In addition you will need to provide funds for professional advice and a level of working capital - the amount will be dependent on your business plan.

In addition to the asking price, you will be required to provide funds to cover a deposit, the first month's rent and other contractual charges (plus VAT).

You will need to have funds available to cover stock and glassware, deposit (25% of the final rent) and other contractual charges.

Estimated fixtures & fitting value

£ (excl VAT)

To be discussed with the Regional Manager.

To be confirmed by the vendor.

Rateable Value


For further information regarding the April 2017 revaluation, please visit www.tax.service.gov.uk/view-my-valuation/search

To talk to someone about this opportunity or for any general enquiries call or email the recruitment team on

03333 20 00 36


 Our proposed agreement - Commercial Lease (Free of Tie) option

Partnership Terms

: Offers Invited

The proposed agreement: Commercial Lease (Free of Tie)

(Key terms available online here) however we are prepared to discuss other Partnership agreements.

Estimated Capital start-up

You will need to have funds available to cover stock and glassware, deposit (25% of the final rent) and other contractual charges.

Estimated fixtures & fitting value

£ (excl VAT)

To be discussed with the Regional Manager.

Rateable Value


To talk to someone about this opportunity or for any general enquiries call or email the recruitment team on

03333 20 00 36
