​Insurance Claimant - Privacy Notice

What information do we ask to you to provide and what do we do with it?

Your personal data is given voluntarily by you to us. You may provide us with your full name, home address and email address. You may also provide us with "special category" personal data.

If your data is provided by a third party then they are a Data Controller and we assume that you have given them your consent to process your personal data and special category personal data.

By giving us your personal data and special category personal data or by giving your consent to a third party to act on your behalf you are consenting to us processing it for the purposes stated in this Privacy Notice.

Information that you may volunteerWe use it to
Your full name
  • Identify you and personalise any correspondence that we send to you

Your email address

  • Correspond with you about your claim
Your home address
  • Correspond with you about your claim
Your signature
  • To authenticate documents
Your Special Category Personal Data
  • To support your claim

Why do we need to collect your personal data?

We have a legitimate interest in processing personal data and special category personal data that you provide voluntarily. The data that you give to us will be used solely for resolving your claim.

How long do we keep your personal data?

Your personal data and special category personal data will be retained indefinitely to improve our claims management processes.

Who do we share your information with?

CompanyWhy do we pass information to them?What information do we pass to them?
Our Publican PartnersSo that we can clarify the details of your claimYour full name, email address, phone number,
Gosschalks or other such organisations that we may use from time to timeSo that they can provide legal services on our behalf relating to your claimYour full name, email address, home address and phone number and special category personal data.
Zurich Insurance Company UK Ltd or other such organisations that we may use from time to timeSo that they can process your claim Your full name, email address, home address and phone number and special category personal data.

Do we transfer your personal data outside of the UK or EU countries?

Your personal data is captured and processed on computer systems that are located within the UK or EU.

Is any "profiling" performed using your personal data?

We do not perform any kind of automated processing for the purposes of analysis or prediction using your personal data.

What are your rights?

For more information on your data protection rights refer to our Privacy Statement.

Version Control
Version Number1.0
Date Published21st May 2018