
Depending on the nature of your agreement you will be expected to either "Put and Keep" or properly maintain your pub (including living accommodation) in a safe and compliant condition for the duration of your agreement.  The repairing responsibilities of both parties are specified in your agreement.


At the End of your Agreement

We will inspect the premises to ensure it has been maintained in keeping with the terms of your tenancy or lease agreement. Any issues arising out of this inspection will be brought to your attention early enough for you to remedy them prior to your departure. This also applies if your agreement can be renewed.


At the Point of Assignment

Should you decide to sell (assign) your interest in the business, the condition of the pub will be an important factor. We will inspect the premises to ensure it has been maintained in keeping with the terms of your agreement. This will ensure that the pub is in a safe and compliant condition for the new occupants. Issues arising out of this inspection will be brought to your attention early enough to provide you with the opportunity to discuss them with your own surveyor and to remedy them prior to the sale of the lease.