​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Agreement summary options​

There are various types of agreements available when starting a pub business with us

Retail Partnership Tenancy​

  • Shorter agreements for a fixed term of 5 years which are contracted out of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954
  • Stonegate Pub Partners is responsible for all repairs to the exterior structure and services
  • Rent is subject to annual indexation by reference to the Retail Price Index
  • Option to be free of tie on wines, spirits and minerals via tie release fees

View more on our Retail Partnership Tenancy

Partnership Incentive Lease

  • A longer term agreement available for experienced pub business operators
  • The term will be for 10 years and is not protected by Part ll of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954
  • Opportunity to obtain an incentive payment at year 10 based on sales growth
  • Rent, including VAT, is paid weekly in advance by Direct Debit
  • Opportunity to assign the lease after two years

View more on our Partnership Incentive Lease

Partnership Investment Lease

  • A longer term agreement available for experienced pub business operators
  • The term will be for 10 years and is not protected by Part ll of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954
  • Accompanied by an investment deed where support works are to be undertaken to the property by us, in consultation with yourself
  • Rent, including VAT, is paid weekly in advance by Direct Debit.
  • Opportunity to assign the lease after two years

View more on our Partnership Investment Lease

Beacon Retail Partnership Tenancy

  • A try before you buy agreement of initially just ine year in term. You can then change to a fixed term tenancy of five years 
  • Being able to sell categiry leading brands at prices to suit your local community
  • Promotions and marketing support for key occasions 
  • EPOS tills to help you control your business

View more on our Beacon Retail Partnership Tenancy​

Commercial Lease (Free of Tie)

  • Option at selected sites to negotiate a lease that's free of tie for 10 or 20 years
  • Fully protected under Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, with the right to renew
  • You have full responsibility for repairs
  • Rent is subject to annual indexation to RPI

View more on our Commercial Lease (Free of Tie)

Lease Assignment

  • Assignment of an existing agreement from a current Stonegate Pub Partner
  • All the benefits and obligations of the agreement are transferred
  • Direct transaction between you and the current publican
  • Comprehensive Assignee Pack available to guide you through the process

View more on our Lease Assignment​