​​​​​​Safety management solution scheme tenancy​​


Under the terms of your tenancy agreement you are responsible for ensuring that your business complies with the appropriate safety legislation for your property and statutory compliance is maintained.

These responsibilities can be time consuming to deal with and are often complex. To help with this we have developed our own Safety Management Solution Scheme, offering annual compliance testing and an annual safety review.


Joining the scheme​

As a Stonegate Pub Partner you will automatically become subscribed to the scheme and will enjoy its benefits from the outset of your tenancy agreement.


Key benefits

Scheme members will receive the following services on an annual basis;
A safety review with a competent Health & Safety professional who will work with you to produce the following assessments and reports:

  • Fire Risk Assessment
  • Health and Safety Risk Assessment which includes a Disability Access and Food Safety Audit Report Completion of an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR), inclusive of a 100% visual inspection and 20% intrusive test of the fixed wire installation at your property
  • Portable Appliances Testing (PAT) to all trade portable appliances within your property
  • Emergency lighting test and inspection, including a functionality test of key switches, batteries, luminaries and control equipment
  • Fire alarm test and inspection, including a functionality test of manual call points, smoke/heat detectors and bells or sounders
  • Landlords gas certification, completing testing and inspection of all gas appliances
  • Fire extinguisher service visit
  • Where applicable, a lifting equipment examination completed in accordance with Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER)

In addition to the above services, all members of the scheme will have access to an online web portal that will hold all documentation generated through the scheme, as well as provide you with relevant safety information.  

NB. It should be noted that the services outlined above are for the examination and testing only. Should any remedial works be found necessary you may be responsible for the costs depending on the repairing covenants of your agreement type. 

Targeted service levels

  • Attenda​nce prior to the anniversary date of any previous statutory compliance or safety visits
  • Any electrical remedial works that are our responsibility undertaken within 28 days of identification


  • Remedial works identified as a result of the testing or inspections.
  • Any work associated with:
    • Water Hygiene
    • Gas testing of leisure equipment, i.e. BBQ , patio heaters, etc
    • The preparation of Asbestios Management Surveys​
    • The services offered do not remove the need to undertake the weekly or monthly periodic checks to your electrical or gas services
    • Ongoing maintenance of gas appliances and associated distribution pipework
    • Ongoing maintenance of electrical appliances and systems

Limitation of liability

  • The scheme is entered into on a reasonable endeavours basis. Electrical and gas services are complex and inspection and testing can sometimes lead to the identification of remedial works that may impact on the normal operation of services or systems
  • The scheme does not include any provision for making compensation payments due to loss of trade or stock as a result of equipment failure or failure to meet targeted service levels
  • Pub partners are reminded to maintain up to date business interruption insurance

Remedial work

  • Under the terms of your tenancy agreement you are responsible for meeting the cost of certain repairs, renewals or upgrades identified through the compliance testing or assessments
  • Where possible we will work with you to utilise your R&M fund to ensure any work that falls to your responsibility is undertaken in a timely manner

Cost of the scheme

  • The annual subscription charge is £1,273.75 + vat payable in 12 monthly instalments by direct debit
  • Subscription charges will be reviewed on an annual basis and are subject to change
  • Recharge of non-qualifying repairs and betterment, if encountered

Leaving the s​cheme

  • For tenancy agreements you are required to subscribe to the scheme for the duration of your Agreement


  • If you need to place a call to discuss any aspect of the Safety Management Solution Scheme please contact the Helpdesk on 03333 20 20 85