Marketing your pub

​​Social media and mobile technology are on the rise, the way you market your pub needs to evolve.

How your pub is marketed will greatly impact footfall, sales and profit as well as the feedback your customers may post, upload or say through various channels. This one-day workshop has been designed to help you to identify ways to promote and market your business in the most cost-effective way. It will enable you to plan the implementation of your marketing strategy and develop the key marketing messages of your business.

Included on the course

  • Identify potential consumer occasions, footfall generators and customer types
  • How to implement your marketing plan
  • Develop the content and style of your marketing message
  • Use the internet, social media and traditional marketing methods
  • Support and services available through ei publican partnerships
  • Aligning your marketing plan with local, national and international events
  • Opportunities to generate PR for your pub
  • Understand what marketing will work for you
  • Understand potential return on investment to promote your pub


Free for our publicans and their staff.

Pricing structure

This course is free of charge to publicans and their members of staff. However, please note that cancelling a course without sufficient notice will incur a cancellation fee:

  • Over 15 days notice = No charge
  • Between 8 – 15 days = £50 + VAT
  • Less than 8 days notice = £100 + VAT
  • Failure to attend = £250 + VA

Course duration

1 day



Course Duration

Course Sessions (subject to availability, please contact the training department to see if there is a space available)

{{session.FromDateFormatted}} to {{session.ToDateFormatted}} ({{session.FromTimeFormatted}}-{{session.ToTimeFormatted}})


{{session.EI_SessionVenueAdd1}} {{session.EI_SessionVenueAdd2}} {{session.EI_SessionVenueTown}} {{session.EI_SessionVenueCounty}} {{session.EI_SessionVenuePostCode}}

To talk to us about this training session please call {{ConfigValues.Phone}} or complete the form with your full name, email address, contact number and pub you are attending from (if applicable).

Book a place

Request successful. Thank you for your interest in {{Course.Name}}, we will be in contact shortly to confirm your booking.