​​​​​​​​​​​Heating and boiler maintenance scheme leases​


Having a fully functioning and serviceable heating system is often taken for granted but in the case of a pub or other commercial premises is absolutely essential to the smooth running the business, especially in the colder winter months.

Under the terms of your lease agreement you are responsible for the repair, maintenance and replacement of the heating system to your pub including the boiler and its associated controls. Costs for these items can sometimes run into several thousands of pounds and can present themselves at the most inconvenient of times. To assist you with meeting this obligation we have developed its own Heating and Boiler Maintenance Scheme aimed at relieving you from much of this burden and giving you real peace of mind should a breakdown occur. This document outlines the key provisions of the scheme from which you will benefit.


Joining the scheme

When taking out a new lease you will be offered the opportunity of joining the scheme. Prior to acceptance an engineer will attend to carry out a thorough check on the equipment. A comprehensive report will be produced confirming the condition of the equipment and whether it can be accepted without the need for further works; in the event further work is essential, a quotation will be provided detailing the costs associated with this. The obligation would be down to you to rectify these issues prior to acceptance onto the scheme.​


Key benefits

  • Annual service to central heating boilers.
  • Reactive callouts to heating breakdowns, including all parts and labour for qualifying repairs (for exclusions please see  below).
  • Full replacement of central heating boilers and associated controls when life time expired or beyond economical repair. Includes pumps, motorized zone valves, programmers, thermostats and associated wiring.

Targeted service levels

  • Attendance to breakdowns – within 24 hours of initial request.
  • Timescale to effect a straightforward repair – within three working days of initial attendance
  • Timescale to commence a boiler replacement from determining that it is beyond effective or  economical repair – within five working days.


Any work associated with:

  • Gas fired water heaters / cylinders
  • Hot water distribution pipework serving tap outlets, etc
  • Cold water storage tanks
  • Focal point gas fires
  • Betterment over and above the scope and capability of the existing installation
  • Replacement of radiators, central heating distribution pipework and hot water cylinders
  • More than one system powerflush in any three year period
  • Vandalism, flood or impact damage

Limitation of liability

  • The scheme is entered into on a reasonable endeavors basis. Heating systems are complex and fault finding can sometimes be difficult impacting on timescales to effect repairs and undertake replacements
  • The scheme does not include any provision for making compensation payments due to loss of trade as a result of targeted service levels failing to be met
  • Pub partners are reminded to maintain up to date business interruption insurance

Cost of the scheme

  • The annual subscription charge is £906.91 + vat payable in 12 monthly installments by direct debit
  • Subscription charges will be reviewed and are subject to change
  • Recharge of non-qualifying repairs and betterment, if encountered
  • Recharge of asbestos survey costs if required and / or costs of asbestos removal needed to complete works if found to be necessary.

Leaving the scheme​

  • You may come off contract at any time, however the scheme is designed to be fair and equitable to both parties over a period of time.
  • If you wish to come off contract before we have had time to recoup its expenditure, you may be asked to pay an exit charge.
  • The exit charge is based upon the payments we have made to provide this scheme, less the payments you have made into this scheme.