Commercial Properties

Our commercial properties provide opportunity for entrepreneurial, well-funded operators to benefit from the independence of free of tie trading. We have a wide variety of pubs available ranging from local community pubs to destination food-led venues.

With this type of agreement you can develop your pub with autonomy without restriction on trade purchases and suppliers. Our commercial leases are assignable, for terms of either 10 or 20 years and fully protected under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954. 

Things to consider
  • You will require a personal licence
  • Funds will be required for your security deposit, inventory, fees, stamp duty and a quarters rent in advance and any proposed investment expenditure
  • We will require you to complete Credit Check details and provide a Forecast Maintainable P&L projection for the business
  • We will support you through the application process but you may wish to seek independent advice
  • A free of tie lease is a commercial transaction and no marketing or business support is available
  • You will have liability for repairs and insurance of the property
  • The rent will be subject to annual increase in line with the Retail Price Index
Want to know more?
If you are interested in learning more about one of our commercial properties you can call our Recruitment team on 03333 200 036 or email