​​​​​​​​​​Pre-Entry Awareness Training (PEAT)​​

PEAT is a BIIAB accredited e-learning package that identifies the main issues which need to be considered and investigated before signing a pub tenancy agreement.

PEAT will give you the necessary knowledge to evaluate the agreement which you are seeking to enter as well as advising you of other issues which you may not be aware of.

Modules covered in this online course are:

  • The Pub Industry 
  • Types of Agreements
  • The Tie
  • The Premises & Repairs/Maintenance 
  • Rent 
  • Business Planning 
  • Pub Company Support
  • What Next?

PEAT will take around 90 minutes to complete and costs £100 plus VAT. Once you have successfully completed the course, you will receive a BIIAB electronic certificate.​

Please click here to complete this course.​​​​